How To Start An Errand Service in 5 Easy Steps

Probably you have heard the famous quote that time is money. This fits perfectly when you are thinking about how to start an errand service.

The errand basically helps to lend a hand of help for the people who have much work to do in a small time window.

Today, everyone’s life has been so busy that it is hard to keep focus and maintain all the work by a single person. Therefore, the scope of the errand business is very bright.

A survey shows that people love to get the work done in return for paying a small amount of money. This is a good business opportunity, but the question is how to start an errand service.

So keeping in view, you can your errand business by following the step we are going to talk about in this article.

Initial Cost To Start An Errand Business

The startup cost in an errand business is not so much high if you start it from a lower level. The business expenses start from $1250 for purchasing the infrastructure and business registration.


But when you want to grow your business rapidly it may require about $2500 to deal with all the necessary expenses.

Start Errand Service Business In 5 Steps

To start a new business is always a tough job. Especially when you do not have any prior experience and the setup is unique. Well, to make this tough job easy for you, we have divided the starting process of the errand service business into different parts.

1. Errand Service Business Plan

The first step of every business is planning, and the same case is with this business too. You will have to plan the business for proper working. In an errand service business plan, you will have to add the things like:

  • Executive summary
  • Business name
  • Banking detail
  • Service going to provide
  • Yearly planning/targetting


These are the basic elements that are necessary to put into an errand service business plan.

The formation of a legal structure is important to avoid any kind of trouble in the business. At this point, you will have to decide either you will run this business all alone by a sole proprietorship or by a partnership.

But if you are going to start an errand service on a larger scale, an LLC is a good option.

LLC limits the liability and provides some protection to the business owners.

Once you decide on the business structure, you will need to register to the state where you are going to operate the business

Probably some of the taxes will also need to pay as the income tax and services charges.

3. Define Errand Services

When the business is at the startup, it is time to grab a pen and list down all the services that the business is going to provide. Declaration of services sets the working boundaries of the business that helpful for both the clients and the service providers.

Some of the top services are bank visits, dog walking, grocery shopping, parcel delivery, food serving, which are common. It’s all upon you what service the errand business is going to provide.

Related: Grocery Delivery Services In Fairfax

4. Business Insurance


No one knows about the future. It is better to make some preparations. When you are about to start an errand service business, insurance is the way to provide some kind of protection to the business in any mishap.

Not only that, but it also gives mental satisfaction to the business owner. There are a number of insurance plans with their pros and cons, so choose according to your desire.

5. Set Price Packages

Lastly, as an errand service business, you will need to make different packages and special discounts. Price plans may differ from one service to another, like charging per hour or a fixed amount per service. 

Similarly, when there is an event, you should plan special packages for the regular and new customers to attract the people toward your errand business services.

So these are the basic steps to answer your question of how to start an errand service business. However, in case if you need further help, you can contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to start an errand service business?

To start an errand business requires the following things

  • Errand business plan
  • Legal structure
  • Defining errand services
  • Business insurance
  • Services pricing

What is the initial cost to start an errand business?

To start a new business is always a tough job. Especially when you do not have any prior experience and the setup is unique. Well, to make this tough job easy for you, we have divided the starting process of the errand service business into different parts.

Is an errand business profitable?

Starting an errand business is quite easy to compare to other businesses. In this business, the profit depends upon your work. This business is more profitable as much you give time to this business.

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